Is Your School’s Janitorial Service Up to the Task?

Is Your School’s Janitorial Service Up to the Task?

Many surveys across Canada have shown that a considerable fraction of parents think their children’s schools are not doing enough to tackle germs. They also think school’s cafeteria is not very clean, so they prefer making daily packed lunches for their kids. Being a school owner, utilizing a janitorial service might seem like doing enough. But there are high chances that it might not be the case. It’s a good idea to look at the cleaning service’s job even when it has worked for your school for years. Let’s discuss ways to tell if janitorial services are doing their jobs well enough.

Clean Floors, Dust-Free Surfaces, and Sanitized Bathrooms

While you are walking in the hallways of your school, take a look at the floors. Do they shine enough to show the reflection of the lights above? If they look lifeless and dull, your janitorial service must do more. Shining and tidy floors are essential for all educational institutes, as kids are always running around the floor. If the floors are not clean and shiny, you risk floors becoming slippery, which is dangerous. You must also ensure that the janitorial service uses quality cleaning products that kill all pathogens and germs and make surfaces shiny and slip-free.

Additionally, you must inspect whether the students’ and teachers’ desks, bookshelves, tables and other surfaces are dust-free. It is a huge red flag if surfaces look like they haven’t been dusted for weeks. It simply shows the cleaning service is lethargic and unprofessional. There also exists a decent chance of accumulated dust acting as a breeding ground for disease-causing pathogens. Ensuring that the school’s surfaces are properly dusted will protect teachers and students from germs and boost your school’s aesthetic appeal. Indoor air quality will increase, too, as students don’t have to breathe in irritants and dust all day.

Make sure that your hired janitorial service sanitizes bathrooms from top to bottom. So many students use these all day, so it is widespread to see them filthy within a day. A janitorial service must use effective but eco-friendly cleaning materials to clean toilets, bathroom sinks, door handles, and mirrors. To confirm this, inspecting bathrooms is the first thing you should do. If they still need to be cleaned from top to bottom, consider this as the time to talk to your janitorial service and request a better approach.

Effective Waste Management

During any regular school day, many things are thrown in waste bins. Broken pencils, half-eaten food, tissue papers, crumbled papers: a slight amount of everything can be found. If these aren’t cleaned daily, they spread germs, attract insects, and introduce foul odours. So, you must get your janitorial service to empty those and dispose of the waste as per locally applicable laws and regulations.

Do you doubt the school’s janitorial service is not doing its best? If yes, the time has come to take action. Consider hiring AJP Building Maintenance. We are a reputed janitorial cleaning service in Surrey that offers incredible cleaning experiences for schools looking for reliable cleaning. Contact us to learn how AJP can assist in maintaining a clean school.

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