The hybrid working model adopted after the COVID-19 pandemic has brought many benefits. However, it is not free from its defects and drawbacks. To set up your business for success in the hybrid working environment, office spaces must remain comfortable, safe, and clean. As such, an essential factor requiring consideration is how adopting hybrid working impacts the current cleaning schedule of the office. A hybrid working environment witnesses the influx of employees with different schedules. It makes it challenging to schedule a regular office cleaning. Many recent studies have revealed a significant increase in microbial activity in such environments. This change from in-office working to a hybrid model requires business owners and their facility managers to devise new ways for office cleaning schedules to ensure that all cleaning protocols are being adhered to and employees remain safe.
A business owner needs a multi-fold strategy for ensuring that offices remain sparkling adobes of cleanliness and employees remain safe, comfortable, and productive in a hybrid working mode. First of all, making sure that the office gets cleaned every day is necessary. In hybrid mode, employees have flexible schedules; not all come to the office on all working days. Some come on certain days and work from home on different days. It happens that another group of employees has in-office working schedules on days when the first group is working from home. Suppose group A works in-office on Monday and Tuesday, and group B on Wednesday and Thursday. As such, ensure your office gets thoroughly cleaned on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning.
Also, shifting the focus of cleanliness to those places where everyone gathers is essential. Such locations include meeting rooms and other shared areas. It will ensure the office remains safe and team members can collaborate without worries of health risks. Another good measure to foster a healthy office space and minimize sick leaves is the installation of hand sanitizers. You should place these in high-footfall regions of the office, such as washrooms, reception areas, meeting rooms, and kitchens. This will ensure that employees maintain good hand hygiene and that germs are not spread easily.
Sometimes, a shift in cleaning priorities based on occupancy is helpful, too. As a business owner, you can reduce the cleaning frequency of specific unused areas for a few days. However, having regular maintenance is a must. This way, you can save some cleaning resources for a more thorough cleaning of high-footfall regions.
Still, after doing all this, you find that managing a cleaning schedule in a hybrid working mode diverts your attention from core business responsibilities; consider delegating to a professional office cleaning service. By hiring a reputed team of commercial cleaners, you can custom-make the cleaning schedule as per needs. Also, you will be able to focus on core aspects of your business. Not only will it lighten your workload, but it will also improve the quality of cleaning.
To ensure the safety and cleanliness of your office, trust AJP Building Maintenance Services. We are a premier office cleaning service in Surrey, BC, that provides reasonably priced industrial, strata, and residential cleaning services, too. Contact us and witness how we make your office shine.